Happy Ugaadi

28701472_1635208226563417_3916121190321552961_oUgaadi, the Hindu New Year, is not just a festival or a change of the calendar. Ugaadi is an occasion for us to reenergize and reinvent ourselves, borrowing from our experiences of yesteryears and shaping ourselves to move into the future.

This Ugaadi let us come together to reinvent our lifestyle along with Laxmidas Jewellers, the most trusted jewellers in town.

Laxmidas Jewellers, known for their unique designs, have always based their designs on the traditional style and yet have been in tune with the contemporary style. With immense respect for the traditional patterns and designs of Indian jewellery, Laxmidas Jewellers, have strived hard over the years to bring to us ornaments which are not just ornamental or decorative but also reflect the rich heritage, culture and tradition of the land. At once and at the same time, it has been the vision of Laxmidas Jewellers to be a part of designing the jewellery designs for future. To achieve this dream, efforts have been put constantly to bring in contemporary jewellery designs and styles, so that one can walk gracefully into the future, wearing the best of jewellery and the best of the designs.

One of the top jewellers of India, the Laxmidas Jewellers, bring to us a range of ornaments in gold, silver, diamond, gems and pearl. These precious items further beautified by the artisans to make available a variety of stunning necklace, bracelet, bangle, chain, haara, wedding rings, to enhance the beauty of the human body and dignity.

Ugaadi also inaugurates the wedding season; a season of unison, love, family, affection and gathering. To mark the landmark of our lives, Laxmidas Jewellers brings to us certified diamonds and exquisite bridal jewellery design.

Laxmdas Jewellers also have innumerable ornaments to suit not just the bride and groom for their wedding but also the family and friends. Jewellery items to suit the occasion of engagement, baby shower are also available, made with a special touch and significance to the event.

To make the golden memories of life attain tangibility do visit Laxmidas Jewellers, who have their showrooms in Mangalore, Moodbidri and Surathkal.

Let this Ugaadi be not just celebration of festival but also the celebration of ourselves, our body and our love for jewellery.

Happy Ugaadi, happy shopping!

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Laxmidas Jewellers Mangalore

We Established our business on April 18th 1984. Since then we have been pioneers in gold,diamonds, precious stones and silver. We are Coastal Karnataka's 1st BIS certified jewellers. We have an exclusive silver showroom at Mangalore and branches spread out at Moodbidri and Surathkal. Laxmidas Jewellers, known for their unique designs, have always based their designs on the traditional style and yet have been in tune with the contemporary style. With immense respect for the traditional patterns and designs of Indian jewellery, Laxmidas Jewellers, have strived hard over the years to bring to us ornaments which are not just ornamental or decorative but also reflect the rich heritage, culture and tradition of the land

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